Another Week, Another Chance
Hey Everyone,
How are you all doing? Things here in the south are pretty hot, and sweaty. Well, we have had an interesting week. My companion is a little sick, so we had to visit the hospital twice this week and she has been diagnosed with first gastritis and second an infection in her throat, so yeah that was fun. So she doesn't quite feel that good all the time and it's really hard for her to work out in the heat and the sun so she sleeps quite a bit and I have the opportunity to study as well. Its been great i have had a lot of fun reading the scriptures and just diving into them and reading as much as i could.
I now know what it means to have a thirst for the Word of God, it's just something that you can't satisfy, you're constantly reading and looking for new things and trying to find the definition or explanation of how to understand a principle of the Gospel and it's just been incredible. I absolutely love reading the scriptures and knowing that we can receive guidance to lead us through our challenges. I know that it has been hard and difficult sometimes but we really try and focus on what we can do to help others and put away our childish doubt and uncertainties, we can come full circle in knowing that Heavenly Father needs us to do something important and all we have to do is discover what that is.
Also this week we had an activity that the missionaries put on, it was us in Los Pinos, and two other wards and their missionaries, well those in our district. And it was great we had the opportunity to have classes and activities it was great, there were also donuts at the end, so the Elders decided to see if they could shove the whole donut into their mouth, well i took a video it was hilarious and then I did with another Elder and lets just say that I beat him, it was pretty funny i didn't realize how fast i could eat it until i watched the video after it was hilarious. haha it was the best.
Anyway, it was a good week, i am excited to be here and i love the people they are amazing and i know that this has been a wonderful chance for me and I love it. Everyday is a new day, we can only learn from the past, act on it today, and plan for the future. I love you all thank you.
Always Happy,
Hermana Newmeyer
Cities and Companions

Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
7/21/2014 - Los Pinos Letter & Pics
Hey Everyone,
This week was amazing and a miracle to put it at that. We had the mother and daughter of the husband who was baptized last week and at first the mom wanted to wait. She had Elders come and visit her the first time six years ago and she knew that this was true, and continued to ask her husband to be baptized and finally he did, and now she wanted to wait. It was incredible that he was able to say yes and be baptized. It was a beautiful ceremony and we had two musical numbers and i was able to play the piano! I love playing. This week has been amazing and to be able to look through heaven's eyes and see who we really are and just feel an overwhelming love for them. I was scared and worried that they would become lest active, i didn't want them to leave ever. I love them so much.
I am so excited for this week! Its a miracle to have the opportunity to share the gospel and see people's lives change for good and see the love of Christ enter their lives. I love it here. Its also been raining really bad, i got to wear a garbage bag for a rain poncho! it was great! My new companion had the same skirt as me so we decided to dress the exact same and it was great, we had a good few laughs with the members. Well, not much to say we are short on time. I love you all and hope that all is going good and remember that Ether 12:6 is very real and only if we have faith. I love you!
Always Happy,
Hermana Newmeyer
This week was amazing and a miracle to put it at that. We had the mother and daughter of the husband who was baptized last week and at first the mom wanted to wait. She had Elders come and visit her the first time six years ago and she knew that this was true, and continued to ask her husband to be baptized and finally he did, and now she wanted to wait. It was incredible that he was able to say yes and be baptized. It was a beautiful ceremony and we had two musical numbers and i was able to play the piano! I love playing. This week has been amazing and to be able to look through heaven's eyes and see who we really are and just feel an overwhelming love for them. I was scared and worried that they would become lest active, i didn't want them to leave ever. I love them so much.
I am so excited for this week! Its a miracle to have the opportunity to share the gospel and see people's lives change for good and see the love of Christ enter their lives. I love it here. Its also been raining really bad, i got to wear a garbage bag for a rain poncho! it was great! My new companion had the same skirt as me so we decided to dress the exact same and it was great, we had a good few laughs with the members. Well, not much to say we are short on time. I love you all and hope that all is going good and remember that Ether 12:6 is very real and only if we have faith. I love you!
Always Happy,
Hermana Newmeyer
Newly Baptized Brother with Family
The Garbage Bag Rain Poncho
We are just alike
Same skirt, same top, same nametag, and same pony tails.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
7/14/2014 - Los Pinos Letter
Listen to the Spirit, Baptism!!!
Hey Everyone,
So this week has been extremely interesting for me and lets just say difficult. So feel sometimes that i don't understand Spanish at all and that i can't speak it as well. We had a lunch with an investigator this week and so we confirmed the lunch and everything was hunky dory. Anyway a day before another sister told me that we were to eat with another sister and that it was more important to eat with them. So being the Senior Companion, i decided that okay we will change the lunch and we will eat with the investigators on Saturday because we don't have anyone.
The next day during personal Scripture study i was sick to my stomach i couldn't help but keep thinking about the food and that it just didn't feel right to cancel for the Investigator. Anyway, i read a scripture in 2 Nefi, where it says that Heavenly Father is all knowing and that he is the Highest and he will bring the haughtiest man down to humility and the proud man down to his knees. So i had a thought and it was clear as day it said "NEVER CANCEL A LUNCH WITH AN INVESTIGATOR, THEY ARE IMPORTANT TO ME" and i put it in caps because it literally felt like that. I knew i had done something wrong. I started to plead with Heavenly Father to forgive me and after i felt a little better but still something wasn't right.
I should have called back and re-asked for the Lunch. But i didn't thinking that i had already called and the other sister was waiting for us. Anyway, we went on our way and we went to this sister house and she was not ready for us. She had heard the day before that we had someone already and so didn't prepare anything. I felt so ashamed and I knew that i had made a huge mistake. I felt like I no longer had a place with Heavenly Father. I am a Missionary, i have the responsibility for the salvation for everyone in my area, and i didn't listen to the spirit, i wanted to crawl into a corner and cry. I let Him down.
We later visited the Family that we were suppose to eat with and they had prepared the food the day before and were so excited to have us, and then i called and cancelled so that was an awkward feeling as well. Anyway, this family has been taught by the missionaries for 6 years, that is a long time. They have had problems and questions and everything you can think of, from Baptisms for the Dead to who we will accept in the next life if we have had more than one spouse (Matt 22) and they had had many many missionaries. My companion told him that we thought he would be ready to be baptized today. We waited for a while and he said yes! Holy Smokes!!! he said YES!!!!!!
We put together a baptism in 4 hours with talks and a musical number. every missionary in our District came and the Zone Leaders!! they wanted to see if this was possible. It was amazing to watch him be baptized, i really can't explain in words how i felt. I just knew that i never want this family to astray, I felt an intense love for them and i knew that there will be mistakes. There will be people who will say that I speak bad Spanish, there will be times where we feel like we are going no where with our investigators, there will be times where i just want to cry and plead with Heavenly Father to change their hearts let them know how much you love them. I love this family very much and they want to be sealed in the Salt Lake Temple.
I love the Gospel, it gives us a chance to grow and become who Heavenly Father needs us to be in this life. I know we will make mistakes, the only way to learn is if we get back up and keep moving. I know this is true, I know that Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to return and live with him again. I love this work and I know that hard work and obedience we can do all things and the Lord will bless us.
Thank you for everything, I love you all.
Always Happy,
Hermana Newmeyer
Hey Everyone,
So this week has been extremely interesting for me and lets just say difficult. So feel sometimes that i don't understand Spanish at all and that i can't speak it as well. We had a lunch with an investigator this week and so we confirmed the lunch and everything was hunky dory. Anyway a day before another sister told me that we were to eat with another sister and that it was more important to eat with them. So being the Senior Companion, i decided that okay we will change the lunch and we will eat with the investigators on Saturday because we don't have anyone.
The next day during personal Scripture study i was sick to my stomach i couldn't help but keep thinking about the food and that it just didn't feel right to cancel for the Investigator. Anyway, i read a scripture in 2 Nefi, where it says that Heavenly Father is all knowing and that he is the Highest and he will bring the haughtiest man down to humility and the proud man down to his knees. So i had a thought and it was clear as day it said "NEVER CANCEL A LUNCH WITH AN INVESTIGATOR, THEY ARE IMPORTANT TO ME" and i put it in caps because it literally felt like that. I knew i had done something wrong. I started to plead with Heavenly Father to forgive me and after i felt a little better but still something wasn't right.
I should have called back and re-asked for the Lunch. But i didn't thinking that i had already called and the other sister was waiting for us. Anyway, we went on our way and we went to this sister house and she was not ready for us. She had heard the day before that we had someone already and so didn't prepare anything. I felt so ashamed and I knew that i had made a huge mistake. I felt like I no longer had a place with Heavenly Father. I am a Missionary, i have the responsibility for the salvation for everyone in my area, and i didn't listen to the spirit, i wanted to crawl into a corner and cry. I let Him down.
We later visited the Family that we were suppose to eat with and they had prepared the food the day before and were so excited to have us, and then i called and cancelled so that was an awkward feeling as well. Anyway, this family has been taught by the missionaries for 6 years, that is a long time. They have had problems and questions and everything you can think of, from Baptisms for the Dead to who we will accept in the next life if we have had more than one spouse (Matt 22) and they had had many many missionaries. My companion told him that we thought he would be ready to be baptized today. We waited for a while and he said yes! Holy Smokes!!! he said YES!!!!!!
We put together a baptism in 4 hours with talks and a musical number. every missionary in our District came and the Zone Leaders!! they wanted to see if this was possible. It was amazing to watch him be baptized, i really can't explain in words how i felt. I just knew that i never want this family to astray, I felt an intense love for them and i knew that there will be mistakes. There will be people who will say that I speak bad Spanish, there will be times where we feel like we are going no where with our investigators, there will be times where i just want to cry and plead with Heavenly Father to change their hearts let them know how much you love them. I love this family very much and they want to be sealed in the Salt Lake Temple.
I love the Gospel, it gives us a chance to grow and become who Heavenly Father needs us to be in this life. I know we will make mistakes, the only way to learn is if we get back up and keep moving. I know this is true, I know that Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to return and live with him again. I love this work and I know that hard work and obedience we can do all things and the Lord will bless us.
Thank you for everything, I love you all.
Always Happy,
Hermana Newmeyer
Monday, July 7, 2014
7/7/2014 - Los Pinos Letter
Hey Everyone,
Well we are feeling the affects of some hurricane in the ocean, because its been raining like crazy, and there have been floods in the streets and Rivers in the sidewalks. Lets just say that its crazy and yet amazing as well. Last night we had a thunderstorm, and the thunder was so loud or strong that it shook our little house and our windows started to shake, it was incredible. So i bought 3 very large garbage bags for the price of 10 pesos, it was great, i cut holes in the top and wear it like a poncho, It was fun!
So we have cambios/transfers and I am staying here in Los Pinos! yeah, but my companion left and i have a new companion, her name is Hermana Brown, yup from the United States and only has 4 months in the mission, she is excited and has a beautiful smile that never ceases. Oh i am a little nervous, i am not that confident in the language and not sure about the new leadership position and I hope that I can fill the shoes that Heavenly Father wants me to fill.
We have a little old woman in our ward, and when i mean little i mean she comes up to my waist and she is about 85 and still kicking. Her husband left her for another woman after their last child was born, she has 6 children, and she was converted when she was 33 years old. We shared a lesson with her and at the end she shared her testimonio with us and very strong and affirmative she said that she knew this church was true and that she will be able to live with Heavenly Father afterwards.
So I was thinking, of all the hardships in life, that we receive or experience what is the most important thing in our life, what is it that we cherish, that we want to remember when we leave this life. This little old woman, had many hardships, her children are not members and maybe a few of her grandchildren but she knows that Heavenly Father is her Father in Heaven and that she will one day live with him for eternity and have happiness that no words can describe.
Anyway, I know that this church is true, i know that Heavenly Father is always there for us, as said in John 14:18, and that Jesus is our Brother and i am so happy that i a small part to work here in Culiacan and share his gospel. I love you all thank you.
Always Happy,
Hermana Newmeyer
p.s. sorry no pictures i couldn't upload them, sorry.
Well we are feeling the affects of some hurricane in the ocean, because its been raining like crazy, and there have been floods in the streets and Rivers in the sidewalks. Lets just say that its crazy and yet amazing as well. Last night we had a thunderstorm, and the thunder was so loud or strong that it shook our little house and our windows started to shake, it was incredible. So i bought 3 very large garbage bags for the price of 10 pesos, it was great, i cut holes in the top and wear it like a poncho, It was fun!
So we have cambios/transfers and I am staying here in Los Pinos! yeah, but my companion left and i have a new companion, her name is Hermana Brown, yup from the United States and only has 4 months in the mission, she is excited and has a beautiful smile that never ceases. Oh i am a little nervous, i am not that confident in the language and not sure about the new leadership position and I hope that I can fill the shoes that Heavenly Father wants me to fill.
We have a little old woman in our ward, and when i mean little i mean she comes up to my waist and she is about 85 and still kicking. Her husband left her for another woman after their last child was born, she has 6 children, and she was converted when she was 33 years old. We shared a lesson with her and at the end she shared her testimonio with us and very strong and affirmative she said that she knew this church was true and that she will be able to live with Heavenly Father afterwards.
So I was thinking, of all the hardships in life, that we receive or experience what is the most important thing in our life, what is it that we cherish, that we want to remember when we leave this life. This little old woman, had many hardships, her children are not members and maybe a few of her grandchildren but she knows that Heavenly Father is her Father in Heaven and that she will one day live with him for eternity and have happiness that no words can describe.
Anyway, I know that this church is true, i know that Heavenly Father is always there for us, as said in John 14:18, and that Jesus is our Brother and i am so happy that i a small part to work here in Culiacan and share his gospel. I love you all thank you.
Always Happy,
Hermana Newmeyer
p.s. sorry no pictures i couldn't upload them, sorry.
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