Hey Everyone!
So we had transfers and i am now in Mazátlan opening a new area, so that means we have no cell phone, no map, no folder with investigators or anything, and we are next to the beach!! yeah,
So sometimes you have no idea how much you are loved or wanted until you leave, as i was saying goodbye to the ward that i worked so hard with and helped them with their trials and challenges, they all came up to me and said goodbye and how much they will miss me. I was touched, i didn't think i did anything or helped in anyway. After the meetings the young women's presidente came up to me and gave me a wad of letters that they had all written. I then stopped by all of the members in the ward and took pictures with them it was amazing! i love them so much! we had to go home and i packed and got everything ready! so tired didn't really sleep at all like 3 hours.
Well i can't put pictures up just yet you will all have to wait next week and when i have time. I love you all thanks for everything. Remember that everyday is a new day and we always have a choice, i know that this is true, i love it here in the mission, hey i can understand my companion! yeah, there are still words and phrases that i don't know. I love you all. Trabaja duro, Hacer lo mejor, y Nunca te Rindas!!!!!!
Always Happy,
Hermana Newmeyer
Cities and Companions

Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Monday, September 22, 2014
9/22/2014 - Los Pinos Letter & Pics
Hospital! Stake Conference! Hot!
Hey Everyone,
So this week has been wonderful! we prepared the week for the Stake Conferencia and the talks were truly inspiring. So Mormon Standard Time really hasn't changed i thought it was just for Utah and Arizona, well that changed, everyone here in Mexico is late. like 20 min late. Our Speaker was Elder Viallabos? i don't know, anyway, he talked about how important the sacrament is and how if we show up late its like us saying "i don't care about you" and this is to Heavenly Father, oooooh everyone was super quiet during his talk, and then he talked on the importance of being reverent during the sacrament and the whole meeting. It was awesome!
So Earlier that week my companion was sick again, this is like her 10th time going to the hospital, and they put an IV in her and ran fluids through her for 6 hours. While we were there they had a patient come in and was in cardiac arrest, and they worked on the person for about an hour, and then they declared that they died. That was all new to me, i remember sitting there and thinking, what would the family say, would happen to the family and things just piled up in my mind. i opened the hymn book and began flipping through the songs and i found 'God be with you till we meet again' one of the blessings of learning another language is understanding the songs differently, In spanish it says 'Para siempre Dios este con Vos' in english it means, 'Forever God is with Us' I read the song and it brought comfort to me, it wasn't until we met again, it was, He is here with us! forever! right now! and we only have to look to let him in.
This week has not all been to easy or wonderful, there are always hard trials and difficulties along the way. And we always, always have Heavenly Father with us in that hour, in the minute, and the moment when we need him the most. I love being here and serving the people it has been a wonderful experience, especially one that i will never forget! I love the Lord, I love Jesus Christ, I love my Family, I love my Companion, I love the work of the Lord, I love the moments when i can see his hand in my life, and i can say, Yes! this is what he wants me to do, I will go, and do everything. I know that this church is true, i know that heavenly Father Loves us and wants us to live with him forever! Thank you for everything.
Always Happy,
Hermana Newmeyer
Hey Everyone,
So this week has been wonderful! we prepared the week for the Stake Conferencia and the talks were truly inspiring. So Mormon Standard Time really hasn't changed i thought it was just for Utah and Arizona, well that changed, everyone here in Mexico is late. like 20 min late. Our Speaker was Elder Viallabos? i don't know, anyway, he talked about how important the sacrament is and how if we show up late its like us saying "i don't care about you" and this is to Heavenly Father, oooooh everyone was super quiet during his talk, and then he talked on the importance of being reverent during the sacrament and the whole meeting. It was awesome!
So Earlier that week my companion was sick again, this is like her 10th time going to the hospital, and they put an IV in her and ran fluids through her for 6 hours. While we were there they had a patient come in and was in cardiac arrest, and they worked on the person for about an hour, and then they declared that they died. That was all new to me, i remember sitting there and thinking, what would the family say, would happen to the family and things just piled up in my mind. i opened the hymn book and began flipping through the songs and i found 'God be with you till we meet again' one of the blessings of learning another language is understanding the songs differently, In spanish it says 'Para siempre Dios este con Vos' in english it means, 'Forever God is with Us' I read the song and it brought comfort to me, it wasn't until we met again, it was, He is here with us! forever! right now! and we only have to look to let him in.
This week has not all been to easy or wonderful, there are always hard trials and difficulties along the way. And we always, always have Heavenly Father with us in that hour, in the minute, and the moment when we need him the most. I love being here and serving the people it has been a wonderful experience, especially one that i will never forget! I love the Lord, I love Jesus Christ, I love my Family, I love my Companion, I love the work of the Lord, I love the moments when i can see his hand in my life, and i can say, Yes! this is what he wants me to do, I will go, and do everything. I know that this church is true, i know that heavenly Father Loves us and wants us to live with him forever! Thank you for everything.
Always Happy,
Hermana Newmeyer
Culiacan (Hermosa) at Night
Studying the 10 Commandments while my companion sleeps
Companion in the Hospital
Elder Viallabos?
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
9/15/2014 - Los Pinos Letter & Pics
Noche Mexicana!!!!
Hi everyone!
Hi everyone!
So Noche Mexicana is like our 4th of july,..........but way better, We are not that great at parties, wow, they can have fun!!!! and that was before the actual day of independence for them. It's today, and we are definitly going to have fireworks and parties in the night, but don't worry we are not going to any of them. ;) They had a performance of folklore dancing it was awesome all of the youth did it! I have videos!!!!! but i can't put them on so you will all have to wait till after i get back from my mission. It was a lot of fun! they had food and drinks and everything, the missionaries ate free! it was great!
This whole week has been wonderful, we taught a whole bunch of people and we took some to the Noche Mexicana and all of them were doing alright and then Sunday came, we passed by a whole bunch of investigators and we ended up not bringing anyone to church at all i was a little sad. We tried so hard to bring people to church and we teach them through out the whole week and then they don't show up at all. bummer, oh well, maybe next week.
So we have a huge hurricane coming for us and we have a whole bunch of rain and its really cloudy, and they cancelled school today because of the hurricane. I don't think its going to hit us, it will definitley hit cabo but we don't know for sure. Its super hot and muggy and we have to let our clothes air dry inside our house, wow its super hot and muggy inside. Well not much else to say, we have only two more weeks till cambio. I don't know if i will go or not. we will see.
Well love you all, don't forget to go to the temple and read your scriptures!!!
Always Happy,
Hermana Newmeyer
Missionaries Festive Style
Noche Mexicana Party
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
9/7/2014 - Los Pinos Letter & Pics
Complete Happiness!!!
Hey Everybody!
This week has been wonderful and amazing. We were able to witness the baptism of the daughter of the family that we had taught earlier and she was the last one in the family to get baptized and they are all together now. They are putting a date to get sealed in the Temple next year! We had Fast and Testimony meeting yesterday, and its the opportunity for the congregation to go and bear their testimony about Jesus Christ or principles they have learned or a truth that they know, and the Father of this Family got up and bore his testimony about how he knows this church to be true. It was amazing, he didn't say anything about the missionary's that had visited him for the past 6 years or how they were invited from time and time again to activities. He said it was the only church that he knew that brought you closer to Jesus Christ.
This is our goal, this is who we are, children of the most High, we are made of eternity, we have the potential to become like Jesus Christ, it so says in the scriptures "become perfect even as your Father who art in heaven is perfect" It was amazing to see the spirit testify of the truthfulness of what he was saying. I was so happy, they are a wonderful family.
So this week was amazing, we made chili mexicana style, yeah! we also found a scorpion that was about half the size of my companion's shoe. Thankfully it wasn't in our house. We also had relief society night where one of the sisters comes and shows us how to make something quick in our kitchen, it was the sister missionaries night so we made no-bake cookies yeah! it was great. I love MEXICO!!! we have the independence day coming up this next week but we are celebrating as a ward this Friday, missionary's eat free ;) hehehehehe should be fun. They have folklore dancing and salsa and games and everything i am so excited!
Well that's my week, till next week! Always Believe!
Always Happy,
Hermana Newmeyer
Hey Everybody!
This week has been wonderful and amazing. We were able to witness the baptism of the daughter of the family that we had taught earlier and she was the last one in the family to get baptized and they are all together now. They are putting a date to get sealed in the Temple next year! We had Fast and Testimony meeting yesterday, and its the opportunity for the congregation to go and bear their testimony about Jesus Christ or principles they have learned or a truth that they know, and the Father of this Family got up and bore his testimony about how he knows this church to be true. It was amazing, he didn't say anything about the missionary's that had visited him for the past 6 years or how they were invited from time and time again to activities. He said it was the only church that he knew that brought you closer to Jesus Christ.
This is our goal, this is who we are, children of the most High, we are made of eternity, we have the potential to become like Jesus Christ, it so says in the scriptures "become perfect even as your Father who art in heaven is perfect" It was amazing to see the spirit testify of the truthfulness of what he was saying. I was so happy, they are a wonderful family.
So this week was amazing, we made chili mexicana style, yeah! we also found a scorpion that was about half the size of my companion's shoe. Thankfully it wasn't in our house. We also had relief society night where one of the sisters comes and shows us how to make something quick in our kitchen, it was the sister missionaries night so we made no-bake cookies yeah! it was great. I love MEXICO!!! we have the independence day coming up this next week but we are celebrating as a ward this Friday, missionary's eat free ;) hehehehehe should be fun. They have folklore dancing and salsa and games and everything i am so excited!
Well that's my week, till next week! Always Believe!
Always Happy,
Hermana Newmeyer
All the family are now members of the church
Scorpion a la Mexicana
Members of the Ward
Newly Baptized
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
9/1/2014 - Los Pinos Letter & Pic
Hey Everyone,
So this week was great! we worked hard and sweated a lot! Temperatures skyrocketed and it was really hard to work in the Heat and Sweat. Anyway, we had a lot of people in church this week and we had talks as well and I shared about Blessings that we received, one is the Holy Spirit and how it is with us always. The other is The power of God, or Priesthood and i shared my experience of receiving blessings from my dad. The other was health and strength and knowledge it was great! Well i have more to write next week. Don't have much time. Love you all.
Always Happy,
Hermana Newmeyer
Hey Everyone,
So this week was great! we worked hard and sweated a lot! Temperatures skyrocketed and it was really hard to work in the Heat and Sweat. Anyway, we had a lot of people in church this week and we had talks as well and I shared about Blessings that we received, one is the Holy Spirit and how it is with us always. The other is The power of God, or Priesthood and i shared my experience of receiving blessings from my dad. The other was health and strength and knowledge it was great! Well i have more to write next week. Don't have much time. Love you all.
Always Happy,
Hermana Newmeyer
Sunrise over Culiacan
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