Cities and Companions

Cities and Companions

Monday, June 30, 2014

6/30/2014 - Los Pinos Letter & Pics

Rivers in the Streets, Investigadores in Church


   This week has been amazing and incredible at the same time. First, my companion is hilarious, and she is really patient and helps me a lot with my Spanish. I love her so much. I really think that when you love the person that you are with you can have the change of heart and mind that will help you both succeed in life and really get to know who you are and what you can become in life! I definitely can say that through trials and problems that i have, are a ton more easier with someone that can help and is at your side supporting you and encouraging you all along the way.  

   We had a lot of rain this week enough that there were rivers in the streets, we would walk in them and the water would come up above my ankles and we would be soaking wet and then be laughing and having fun. oh so i have this bag that came with my pillow when i first started and i remember hearing an elder say to keep the bag and when it rains you can put your stuff in side and everything is dry. I am so grateful that i listened to what he said, we would literally walk from one street to the next and we would be soaked through. 

   We have four investigadores and we went by their houses this Sunday to see if they would come to church, the first woman said yes and she was ready to go. Her name is Trinidad and is about 65 years old, her left foot has an infection and is about the size of a softball maybe bigger but she wanted to walk the whole way to the church building, (which is on top of a hill) and it was about 12 blocks away, really far. We started walking to church and we stopped by another house and the man was ready to go as well, my companion and i were so excited. His name is Marco and he is really excited and ready for everything and wants to know more. we continued walking and Trinidad was walking really slow because her foot was huge and hurt a little.

   We started at the base of the hill with 4 blocks left and about midway she was tired and we were all sweating and just exhausted. Anyway, a member drove by and gave her a ride to the church and we walked the rest of the way.  We had two investigadores in church, it was a miracle, and the ward was so nice they all stopped and said hi to them and talked with them for a bit and really just opened their arms up and let them come in i really hope that they want to come back the next time and continue to know more about Jesus Christ. 

    So happy this week, we have transfers this coming week as well and i am not sure if i will stay here or my companion and we will find out Sunday, anyway, don't let the little things bother you so that you lose focus of what is really important. I love you all and i hope that everything is going great!! 

Always Happy,

Hermana Newmeyer

Mission Home Office

From the Rooftop

Disney Land in Mexico

River Streets

Cloudy Weather

World Cup Soccer - Hermana Newmeyer Style

Sunrise in Culiacan

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